My passions – cooking, baking, digging in the dirt, tie dyeing, jewelry making, bead weaving. These of course lag behind harassing my husband and nagging our 18 year old son (CK for soon to be college kid). 🙂
I come from a large family. I’m number 5 of 8. Our mother had Peggy Bracken’s collection of “The I Hate to Cook Book”. I find this hilarious! Is this why I love to cook and bake? Who knows!
I see the humor in situations and the beauty in life. I like to swear. Sometimes I swear a lot. When I’m really irritated, my vocabulary becomes limited and the “fun” words fly! My intention here will be to refrain, knowing others may not appreciate it. Nor see my use of these particular words in the same light I do.
I laugh at myself and I can’t take myself too seriously. Really, what is the point? I try not to take things too personally – unless I’m hangry, then all bets are off!
I genuinely like people, and enjoy helping them. I like to figure things out. This may be because I’m left handed. So many directions and descriptions are given from a right handed perspective. I find out how things work and then share what I’ve learned. This is one of the reasons I started Cidacakes.
I hope to bring some sense, some humor and a little bit of joy. At the least put a smile to your face. The sense to some might be common, the humor may be silly, the joy fleeting, but it might get your mind off of the serious, if just for just a little while.